Erica Martena Murphy
Online Intern - Bicycling Magazine
During my time at Bicycling Magazine I was responsible for post print articles to the website, conducting research for online articles, and generating SEO links and meta data for current stories. I also wrote blog posts and slideshows.
15 Surprising Places to Eat Right
This article takes place in a slideshow format. I researched fast food restaurants that served healthy options and wrote short blurbs on my choices. It's posted on Fitbie.com as content generated by Bicycling.
One Week to a Stronger Ride
This blog post explains how a week of intense training is more efficient than a couble weeks of moderate intesity. I read through a study about the subject and wrote a short explanation that makes sense to Bicycling's average reader.
Cuban Man Aims to Build World's Tallest Bicycle
I pitched the idea for this story and researched it myself. It is about a man from cuba who has a passion for building tall bikes. He was attempting to build the world's tallest bicycle at the timet his post was written.
The "Dessert With Breakfast" Diet
This post focuses on nutrition and can relate to any active person. It explains from a study that eating a small sweet with breakfast helps elimiate cravings throughout the day, which ultimately decreases a person's likelihood of gaining weight.
Running Intervals Boosts Cycling
This post references a study about training techniques that improve a person's cycling abilities. The study found that interval training on foot is the best method to improve overall fitness and stamina.
Citi Bike 101
The New York City "Citi" Bike Share launched in May, which was much later than its expected launch in late summer 2012. During my internship, I researched the program extensively for its August release. My research was used to complete this article.